Minutes: 130 – 141
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 5 November 2017 at 6pm at Ventnor Marina
Ken Barnes (KB)
Michelle Barnes (MB)
Robbie Barrett (RB)
Sue Barrett (SB)
Phil Boswell (PB) Chairman
Sue Boswell (SBos)
Gillian Chapple (GAC) Secretary
Mo Kennedy (MK) Treasurer
Roger Kennedy (RK)
Sue Thomas (ST)
130 Quorum
As more than four members of the Committee were personally present, the Chairman declared the meeting quorate.
131 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Viv Butler, who had also tendered her resignation from the Committee due to other commitments.
132 Minutes of Meetings
The minutes of the 2nd AGM held on 18 March and the Committee Meetings held on 18 March and 6 May 2017 were approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman.
133 Review of social event costs during 2017
March Cheese & Wine with Guest Speaker – Net cost £30
May Moorers Breakfast – Net cost £26
June Napton Ramble – Nil
June Picnic & Quiz – Cancelled
July RYA First Aid Course – Nil
September Moorers Breakfast – Net cost £36
November Soup & Sparklers -Net cost c£50
134 Membership update
Membership History
Membership durin 2015 78
New Members joining 53
2015 Members not renewing -22
Total Membership at end of 2016 109
New Members joining 36
Members not renewing -28
Total Membership at end of 2017 117
It was noted that as at 3 November, there were 116 Full Members and 1 Social Member representing 64 boats – 42 joined in 2015, 39 in 2016 and 36 in 2017.
135 Finance Update
It was noted that the Association had funds of £506.78 at the bank.
It was estimated that the expenses through 2018 would be of the order of:
Hosting/Back up 2018 £ 55
Insurance £ 80
2 x Moorers Breakfast £100
March Social £ 40
Soup & Sparklers £ 60
Decals £120 (for 500)
Cadac + attachments £120
After some discussion, it was agreed that the Committee should purchase 3 large slow cookers, 4 ladles, 2 sets of non-stick tongs, a big bread board and some heat resistant boards. If suitable lighting could be found, some lighting for the gazebos for evening events.
136 AGM Arrangements
GAC reminded the meeting that the AGM must be held in March.
At least 14 days before the AGM all members must be sent notice of the date, time & Agenda. A copy of the accounts must also be sent at least 14 days before AGM
The Committee decides what is on the Agenda, if a member wants anything put on the Agenda they have to give at least 14 days written notice before the AGM.
At the AGM, the Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer have to be elected and have to elect at least 4 more committee members (max 8 – total committee 11)
All Committee Members may stand for re-election, other VMMA Members may stand for election provided they are proposed & seconded by other Full members. If more than 8 standing then have to have ballot. If 8 or less standing then all shall be elected provided that 2/3rds of those present vote to accept this.
It was noted that the current provisions for subscriptions is that “The rate of annual Subscription Fee for each category of membership of the Association shall be proposed by the Committee to the members at the Annual General Meeting in each year. Any proposed changes shall be approved by a majority of those present and entitled to vote and shall become operative on the next annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual subscription fees. The annual Subscription Fee is due in full on the annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual subscription fees, or at date of joining if during the course of the Association’s financial year.”
There was some discussion as to whether the Committee should put forward a suggested amendment to allow the Committee to reduce or refund part of the subscription. In the end it was agreed that the Committee should recommend that the Clause 7 of the Constitution should be amended to read:
The rate of annual Subscription Fee for each category of membership of the Association shall be proposed by the Committee to the members at the Annual General Meeting in each year. Any proposed changes shall be approved by a majority of those present and entitled to vote and shall become operative on the next annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual subscription fees. At the end of the financial year, the Committee may, if they believe it appropriate, reduce or suspend the annual Subscription Fee for certain categories, or sub-categories, of Members for the coming year. The annual Subscription Fee is due in full on the annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual Subscription Fees, or at date of joining if during the course of the Association’s financial year.
It was felt that the reasoning for the recommendation could be best explained to the Members using an example as follows:
At this AGM we have to set the subscriptions for 2019. At the moment, the Committee expect the Association to be in a healthy financial position at the end of 2018 so could have recommended a lower subscription for 2019, but the Committee doesn’t know if it may have to, say, replace or repair one of the marquees or something which would dent the bank balance. With the amendment requested above, if the bank account was still healthy at the end of 2018, the Committee could decide to reduce the 2019 subscription for members renewing (who have contributed to the surplus funds) but still require new members to pay the full £5.
It was agreed that the AGM should be held on 17 March 2018. MK confirmed that last year’s accounts examiner was willing to act again. Action: GAC/MK
137 Membership Renewals
It was agreed that Membership renewals for 2018 would be handled in the same way as last year with the addition of using Facebook. It was agreed that window decals would be issued to members who renewed for 2018. Action: GAC
138 Dates for 2018
The date for the AGM was set for 17 March 2018 with an Open Committee to follow. There would be a Wine and Cheese event in the evening and SBos agreed to try and find a speaker. The first thought was to try to get a speaker from Guide Dogs for the Blind. Action: SBos
The Moorers’ Breakfasts would be on 28 April and 9 September 2018 and we would try to get someone from the Police Canal Watch to attend one of the events.
The Soup and Sparklers event would be on 3 November 2018.
Committee Meetings would be on 27 April, 8 September and 4 November.
139 Website
GAC advised that the website template needed to be updated as the current theme used was being phased out. She pointed out that very little use had been made of the members’ area and suggested that it be dispensed with apart from keeping details of the minutes and discussions with the Marina and that there should be no facility for people to add comments. It would be possible to dispense with individual logins and passwords.
With the removal of the comments facility, Members should be encouraged to use the Facebook group. Action: GAC
140 General Data Protection Regulations
It was noted that the new GDPR requirements would affect the Association and this needed to be looked into before May 2018.
141 Matters raised with Marina Management
141.1 Jettys
PB agreed to raise with Marina Management the state of the jettys, which were getting slippery. It was thought that Sheridan and Chris would be pressure washing them. Action: PB
There being no further business the meeting was closed.