14/03/2020 – Committee Meeting


Minutes: 242 – 246

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2020 at Stockton Football Club


Ken Barnes (KB)
Robbie Barrett (RB)
Sue Barrett (SB)
Gillian Chapple (GAC) Secretary/Treasurer
Jayne Glover (JG)
Alistair Hodgson (AH)
Georgina Hodgson (GH)

242 Quorum

As more than four members of the Committee were personally present, the meeting was declared quorate

243 Accounts

KB passed all the paperwork relating to bank accounts and the VMMA bank account to the new Treasurer. He advised that the reason the 2019 accounts as prepared by the outgoing Treasurer did not agree with those drawn up from the membership records and financial summaries of events in the Minutes was that there were mistakes in the Minutes. Although the outgoing Treasurer had been present at the meetings when the Minutes containing the financial summaries were approved, she had not noticed the incorrect financial summaries. GAC agreed to look at the paperwork she had been given and draw up amended Minutes as appropriate. Action: GAC

244 Banking arrangements

After a discussion, it was agreed that the Bank mandate should be amended as follows:

Michelle Barnes & Phil Boswell should be removed as signatories
Sue Barrett should be added as an authorised signatory
to confirm that all payments require 2 signatories
to confirm that restricted Bankline may be used for viewing transactions only
to confirm that online banking should not be used

It was agreed that GAC would confirm the appropriate resolutions Nat West would need in order to action the above, to be passed at the next Committee meeting. Action: GAC

245 Facebook Groups

SB agreed to become an administrator of the two VMMA Facebook groups. GAC is already an administrator of both.

246 Social Events through 2020

It was noted that April Moorers breakfast could be in the middle of what was being forecast as the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. It was agreed that all social events needed to be kept under review in light of the spread of the virus and Government restrictions. This would have to be done via email.  Action: ALL

There being no further business the meeting was closed.