Minutes: 2018/01 – 2018/09
Minutes of the 3rd Annual General Meeting held on 17 March 2018 at 2pm at Ventnor Marina
Robbie Barrett nb Cornmill COMMITTEE
Sue Barrett nb Cornmill COMMITTEE
Phil Boswell nb Kintala CHAIRMAN
Sue Boswell nb Kintala COMMITTEE
Gillian Chapple nb Per Angusta SECRETARY
Jan Cranston nb Incognito
Paul Cranston nb Incognito
Alistair Hodgson nb Spica
Georgina Hodgson nb Spica
Roger Kennedy nb Capriola COMMITTEE
Martin Masters nb Bright Brayzel
Pam Smith nb Joanne
Tom Smith nb Joanne
2018/01 Apologies for Absence
The Secretary reported that apologies for absence had been received from:
Nick & Wanda Armon-Jones nb Zorro
Ken & Michelle Barnes nb Somewhere Slowly
Peter & Di Barnes nb Brendon the Voyage
Janet & Roy Bowman nb Aloyisus
Viv & Alan Butler nb Jeeves
Val & David Butcher nb Maria Jesse
Terry & Martin Caine nb Clair de Lune
Ian Chapple nb Per Angusta
Kevin & Pat Corrigan nb Pawsawhile
Bob & Karin Cotter nb Dihedral
Brian Curtis nb Hope
John Daltrey nb Tintin
John & Sue Dickins nb Long John
Tony & Pauline Fry nb Moonshadow
Sue Hancock nb Terrapin
Paul & Gill Herbert nb The Evelyn Broadbent
Leigh & Marilyn Hood nb Kestrel
Mo Kennedy nb Capriola
Anna & Darran Lilley nb Ddraig
Jenny Masters nb Bright Brayzel
John & Carol Paton nb The Early Go
Alan & Pamela Pattison nb Fair Escape
Cliff & Liz Robinson nb Kingfisher
Alan & Angela Rose nb Purton
Laurene Smith nb Eninjay
Sue & Hugh Thomas nb Nixie
John & Sue Wigglesworth nb Keeping Up Too
2018/02 Minutes of the 2nd AGM held on 18 March 2017
The Minutes of the 2nd AGM held on 18 March 2017 had been circulated with the Meeting Papers. Roger Kennedy proposed that they be accepted as a true record of the meeting and Sue Barrett seconded the motion.
2018/03 2017 Report & Accounts
The Secretary confirmed that all Members of the Association had been sent a copy of the 2017 Report on the Association, which gave details of the membership, events, etc. and the financial transactions for the year. A copy is appended to these Minutes.
The Secretary reported that at the time of the meeting there were 97 members representing 56 boats. There were 32 2017 members who had not indicated if they would be renewing their membership.
The Association had funds of about £760 at the time of the meeting.
Sue Boswell proposed that the Report and Accounts be accepted, Robbie Barrett seconded the motion and the meeting unanimously approved the Report and Accounts.
2018/04 2019 Subscriptions
The Committee recommended to the Meeting that the subscription for 2019 for Full and Social Members should continue at the rate of £5 per member for the full, or part, calendar year. Georgina Hodgson proposed the motion, Martin Masters seconded it and it was carried unanimously by the Meeting.
2018/05 Amendment to Clause 7 of the Constitution
The Committee recommended to the Meeting that Clause 7 of the Constitution be amended to read:
The rate of annual Subscription Fee for each category of membership of the Association shall be proposed by the Committee to the members at the Annual General Meeting in each year. Any proposed changes shall be approved by a majority of those present and entitled to vote and shall become operative on the next annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual subscription fees. At the end of the financial year, the Committee may, if they believe it appropriate, reduce or suspend the annual Subscription Fee for certain categories, or sub-categories, of Members for the coming year. The annual Subscription Fee is due in full on the annual date agreed for payment of members’ annual Subscription Fees, or at date of joining if during the course of the Association’s financial year.
The reasoning behind the recommendation was explained with an example.
At this AGM we have to set the subscriptions for 2019. At the moment, the Committee expect the Association to be in a healthy financial position at the end of 2018 so could have recommended a lower subscription for 2019, but the Committee doesn’t know if it may have to, say, replace or repair one of the marquees or something which would dent the bank balance.
With the amendment requested above, if the bank account was still healthy at the end of 2018, the Committee could decide to reduce the 2019 subscription for members renewing (who have contributed to the surplus funds) but still require new members to pay the full £5.
The Secretary explained that in order for the amendment to be carried, 2/3rds of the Members present needed to vote for the amendment – this could be done with a show of hands. There are 13 Members present and therefore at least 9 Members need to approve it. The Chairman called for a vote by a show of hands. 12 Members voted for the amendment and one Member abstained. The amendment to the Constitution was therefore carried.
2018/06 Election of Chairman
Phil Boswell indicated that he was prepared to stand as Chairman for the next year. He was nominated by Roger Kennedy and seconded by Robbie Barrett. There were no other nominations and Mr Boswell was elected Chairman.
2018/07 Election of Secretary
Gillian Chapple indicated that she was prepared to stand as Secretary for the next year. She was nominated by Sue Boswell and seconded by Pam Smith. There were no other nominations and Mrs Chapple was elected Secretary.
2018/08 Election of Treasurer
Mo Kennedy had indicated that she was not able to stand for Treasurer again due to her health. Michelle Barnes had indicated that she was prepared to stand as Treasurer for the next year. She was nominated by Robbie Barrett and seconded by Pam Smith. There were no other nominations and Mrs Barnes was elected Treasurer.
2018/09 Election of Committee Members
Ken Barnes, Michelle Barnes, Robbie Barrett, Sue Barrett, Sue Boswell, Georgina Hodgson and Roger Kennedy all volunteered to serve as Committee Members. As there were no other volunteers and the number of volunteers did not exceed the maximum number of Committee Members, all 8 people were nominated by Martin Masters, seconded by Tom Smith and elected as Committee Members.
There being no further business, the Chairman drew the meeting to a close. He invited all present to remain for an open Committee Meeting.