Minutes: 254 – 256
Minutes of the Open Committee Meeting held on 27 March 2021 via Zoom
Robbie Barrett – Cornmill – COMMITTEE
Sue Barrett – Cornmill – CHAIRMAN
Gillian Chapple – Per Angusta – SECRETARY/TREASURER
Deborah Daltrey – Tintin
John Daltrey – Tintin
Dave Glover – Southern Hawker – COMMITTEE
Jayne Glover – Southern Hawker – COMMITTEE
Myra Glover – Prinsesse Estrith
Ronald Glover – Prinsesse Estrith
Alistair Hodgson – Spica – COMMITTEE
Georgina Hodgson – Spica – COMMITTEE
Andrew Terrell – Anacate
David Cary – Dalliance
Nicola Cary – Dalliance
Bob Cotter – Dihedril
Karin Cotter – Dihedril – COMMITTEE
Audrey Tinling – Ella Duke
Mike Tinling – Ella Duke
Julia Stock – Ruby Louise
Martin Stubbins – Ruby Louise
Pam Smith – Joanne
Tom Smith – Joanne
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the open committee meeting, explaining that it was an opportunity for people to raise matters which had not been on the AGM agenda.
254 Changes to the Constitution
The Secretary said that she believed it would be a good idea to amend the Constitution of the Association so that holding remote meetings was allowed. She explained that when the coronavirus pandemic struck, the Government had introduced over-riding legislation which allowed limited companies, charities, etc to hold remote video meetings regardless of whether there were provisions in their constitution. However she had been unable to find anything which gave the same powers to organisations such as VMMA. Mike Tinling confirmed that there was no over-riding legislation. It was agreed that the Constitution should be amended in that way an Bob Cotter offered to forward to the Secretary a draft amendment he had seen used by other organisations.
The Secretary said that she would call a Special General Meeting of the Association to coincide with the next social event – the purpose of the SGM would be to put a revised Constitution to the membership and also to ratify all the decisions taken at the 2021 AGM. Action: GAC
255 Correspondence with Ventnor Marina
There was a lengthy general discussion about the correspondence there had been with the Directors of Ventnor Marina Ltd in which the Association had tried to get either a reduction of mooring fees or an extension to the mooring period in light of the closure of the marina facilities, etc. due to Covid. All agreed that the Directors attitude of ’if you don’t like it, take your boat away’ was very disappointing and their claims that the Marina costs had gone up during the pandemic seemed counter-intuitive given that the moorers had made less use of the facilities and there should have been a savings due to the suspension of business rates.
It was agreed that, for the present, there was no point in pursuing the matter but the matter should possibly be reviewed once the company accounts were published. Action: CTEE
256 Social Events 2021
It was hoped that with the easing of lockdown planned in the relatively near future, the Association would be able to resume social events. After some discussion, it was agreed to keep the 2021 events to 2 Moorers Breakfasts (11 July and 12 September), Soup & Sparklers on 6 November and a Christmas Craft event on 7 November. It was thought that putting any further events on would not be necessary this year as if people could get to their boats, they would probably be out on them.
Martin Stubbins agreed to give a demonstration of traditional canal painting on 11 July, Sue Barrett said that she had a contact at Tradline who had agreed to give a rope making demonstration – hopefully on 12 September – and Georgina Hodgson said she would organise something for the Christmas craft event.
The Secretary agreed to talk with Karen Wray at the the Marina to make sure there were no clashes with anything the Marina was planning. Action: GAC
There was no further business and the Chairman thanked people for attending.
Pam Smith asked that thanks be passed to the Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe (for which Gillian Chapple is the Treasurer) who had made their full Zoom account available to the Association to use for the AGM and the Committee Meeting.
The Chairman then closed the meeting.