Minutes: 195 – 208
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 27 April 2019 at Ventnor Marina
Ken Barnes (KB)
Michelle Barnes (MB) Treasurer
Robbie Barrett (RB)
Sue Barrett (SB)
Phil Boswell (PB) Chairman
Sue Boswell (SBos)
Gillian Chapple (GAC) Secretary
Alistair Hodgson (AH)
Georgina Hodgson (GH)
195 Quorum
As more than four members of the Committee were personally present, the Chairman declared the meeting quorate.
196 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Tony Fry.
197 Minutes of AGM and Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2019
The Minutes of both meetings, having been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
198 Committee Member Data Handling Undertakings (Minute 192 refers)
The Secretary reported that all Committee Members had now signed and returned the Data Handling Undertakings.
199 Event risk assessments
PB distributed copies of the risk assessment he had prepared for the Moorers’ Breakfast and this was reviewed by the Committee. The assessment was agreed by the Committee but it was decided that ‘Weather Conditions’ should be added to future risk assessments. Action: PB
It was also agreed that copies of event risk assessments should be put up in the Members Area of the website. Action: GAC
200 Arrangements for Moorers Breakfast
It was agreed that the Committee would meet at the Woodland Lounge at 8:30am on Sunday morning and a decision would be made then as to whether or not to put the gazebos up, given the wind conditions.
It was confirmed that there was no charge for Members and Marina staff but that non-Members would be charged £2. Seconds of bacon butties would be £1. No charge for seconds of tea and coffee. Tokens would be distributed for the bacon butties.
35 people had advised that they hoped to attend (1 vegetarian/coeliac who has said she would bring her own food)
SB & RB had done the shopping and the cost of provisions was £45.10. The provisions were:
4 litres of milk
HP Sauce
Tomato sauce
10 x 16 rashers of bacon
36 white rolls
48 brown rolls
Wooden pegs has been purchased to secure the non-stick liners to the Cadacs (£3.50).
It was agreed that the state of the tablecloths should be reviewed to see if they needed replacing. Action: ALL
201 Membership update
In 2018, there had been 137 Members representing 75 boats. As at 27/04/2019 105 Members representing 58 boats had renewed their Membership. There were 14 new Members representing 7 boats – making the total 119 Members and 65 boats.
15 2018 Members (7 boats) were definitely not renewing mainly due to having left the Marina or sold their boats. 17 Members (10 boats) had not been heard from.
It was agreed that following the Moorers Breakfast, any Members whi had not renewed would be treated as havig left and, if they did subsequently renew, they would be treated as new Members.
(UPDATE: At the breakfast, 6 new Members representing 3 boats joined)
202 Finance update
The bank balance as at 26 April 2019 was £955.26. From this there was £48.60 due to RB & SB and £86.40 due to Per Angusta Gallery for website hosting for 2018 and 2019 (2018 having been overlooked).
MB reported that she was still having problems with the bank but hoped that, following a recent visit to a branch, things would now be resolved.
203 Association Gazebos/Permanent outdoor structure (Min 184.2 refers)
GAC reported that she had a discussion with the Marina manager, Steve Chapman, following the Wine & Cheese evening as an opportunity presented itself. Steve said he had already discussed several options with people (mainly Roger Kennedy) but no conclusions were reached. He had also floated the idea with Castle Marinas. Steve thinks that if we can come up with a joint proposal from him and VMMA, Castle Marinas will give it careful consideration, particularly if VMMA are able to offer some support either in terms of labour or a financial contribution or both. Apparently, one suggestion was to build a wooden ‘pergola’ which could have awnings attached.
PB reported that he had recently spoken with Steve and that there had been no progress. There were two elements which Steve would ike feed back from VMMA on and these were the extent of any financial contribution the Association might make and what help with labour there would be.
There was a general discussion during which SBos said that she thought VMMA shouldn’t be paying for infrastructure costs but that we should be happy to help out with labour.
RB said that if VMMA provided some financial support then it was not only the VMMA Members who would benefit.
PB said that he thought that if VMMA did not provide some sort of support (beit financial or labour) then nothing was going to happen regarding a permanent roof and, in any event, nothing was likely to happen in 2019.
MB queried whether there were any covenants in place which would prevent the erection of some sort of permanent structure.
No conclusions were reached and this topic is to be carried forward. Action: ALL
204 Additional social events (Min 184.5 refers)
Given the apparent appetite for more social events based around the Marina, PB & SBos offered to organise another walk – this time to the Blue Lias Inn. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and thanked them for offering. It was agreed to hold the walk on 14 September – the day before the Moorers Breakfast. Action: PB/SBos
GAC had received several suggestions for possible future speakers plus a request for a repeat of the astronomy meeting during the Wine & Cheese evening. The suggestions were a boat sign-writing demonstration, a fender making demonstration, a demonstration (and maybe the opportunity to try) of roses and castles, a talk about different types of crafts, eg Essex barges. It was also suggested that we could possibly get someone from CRT to come and talk about managing water levels.
RB/SB agreed to have a word with a fender maker they knew to see if he would be willing to do a talk. Action: RB/SB
GAC said that Martin Stubbins off Rhiannon does some canalware painting and down to come to the Breakfast and she would have a word with him then. Action: GAC
Given that we were going to organise a walk on the day before the Moorers Breakfast and that we had the Photo Competition final at Soup & Sparklers, it was agreed that we should be looking for a speaker for the Wine and Cheese evening.
It was agreed that we should purchase a further supplu of long burn sparklers for the Soup & Sparklers evening and it was also agreed that we needed something to light the sparklers with. PB offered to source an appropriate lighter. Action: GAC/PB
205 News from the Marina
Steve Chapman had advised that a new fuel pump would be installed on Sunset.
206 Matters for possible discussion with the Marina
206.1 Signalling system
The question of the desirability of some sort of signalling system for when the facilities moorings were free was raised, but most people thought that this wasn’t necessary.
206.2 Sunrise facilities block
It was felt that the Sunrise facilities block was in need of a deep clean; the urinals and grouting being in particular need.
206.3 Sunrise ashtray
It was noted that the ashtray from the Sunrise block had gone missing.
207 Forthcoming meetings
As GAC would not be able to attend a meeting on 14 September due to a prior commitment, it was agreed that a short meeting should be held following the Moorers Breakfast on 15 September.
It was agreed that the last Committee Meeting of the year (when arrangements for year end and the AGM would need to be settled) would be held at 2pm on 2 November prior to the Soup & Sparklers Evening and final of the Photo Competition.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.
Following the Moorers Breakfast on 28 April, the Committee reconvened for a short review meeting.
208 Review of Moorers Breakfast 28 April 2019 – at a Committee Meeting held on 30 November 2021, this Minute was amended retrospectively to reflect financial information recorded in the Association’s cash book.
50 people had attended the Breakfast – thought to be the largest attendance to date.
6 new Members had signed up (£30)
7 non-Members attended (£14)
23 19 people had seconds (£23 £19)
Net cost of breakfast was, therefore, £8.10 £12.10 (£45.10 – £37 £33)
There was no bacon or milk left over and only 5 rolls. It was noted that we could probably have done with 6 pints of milk rather than 4 pints.
The tablecloths were still serviceable but the large clips to hold them onto the tables were definitely needed.
All agreed, a very successful event.