Wine, Cheese & John Bunyan Trip Boat – March 2017

On the evening of 18 March, over 30 moorers attended an interesting and informative presentation from Alan Dodd, one of the Masters of the John Bunyan Trip Boat, based in Bedford. Launched in 2013, The John Bunyan is managed and run by a team of volunteers and has welcomed over 23,000 visitors in the last three years.  The boat runs a variety of short trips along the Great Ouse, as well as special events such as afternoon tea, fish and chips, and jazz nights, and is also available for private charter.

Alan relayed some humorous anecdotes from his time on board, and on a more serious note, outlined the rigorous training programme that volunteers go through to ensure that all necessary procedures are followed for carrying members of the public.  He then went on to explain that the funds raised from the boat go towards the Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway Trust. Established in 1995, the Trust promotes the development of a broad waterway park linking the Grand Union Canal in Milton Keynes to the river Great Ouse in Bedford through a series of waterway parks, including pathways and significant amenity green space.  Over a period of 10-20 years, the Trust aims to construct the waterway in small sections as opportunities and funding become available. The proposals were certainly met with interest by those present at the meeting, as the current route to Bedford from the Grand Union can take around two weeks!

Moorers enjoyed cheese and wine during the evening and they also had an opportunity to ask Alan questions following his presentation. Donations were taken towards the Trust at the end of the evening with £65 being raised, £50 of which was gift-aided.  Thanks go to Roger Kennedy for arranging this speaker.

If you would like to find out more about their work or volunteering opportunities, go to or

IMAGE - Wine & Cheese Evening