Minutes: 091 – 098
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 8 July 2016 at 7pm at Ventnor Marina
Ken Barnes (KB) Chairman
Michelle Barnes (MB)
Peter Barnes (PeB)
Christine Brown (CB)
Gillian Chapple (GAC) Secretary
Mo Kennedy (MK) Treasurer
Roger Kennedy (RK)
Jean Seagar (JS)
091 Quorum
As more than four members of the Committee were personally present, the Chairman declared the meeting quorate.
091 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Phil & Sue Boswell
092 Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 7 May 2016, having been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
093 Matters Arising
Min 081, Min 076b – Collapsible Gazebo – Ratchet straps and pegs have been purchased for the gazebos at a cost of £25.95.
Min 082 – Moorers Breakfast Risk Assessment – KB agreed to provide the Secretary with a copy of the Risk Assessment for the May Moorers Breakfast for retention in the Association’s files. Action: KB
093 Review of Moorers’ Breakfast 08/05/2016
This had been well attended. Provisions had cost £43.69 with £17 being received from non-members attending and people purchasing additional bacon butties, making the net cost to the Association £26.69. The representatives from Warwickshire Police who had come to talk about Canal Watch had provided useful information packs to any one who wanted them as well as free boat alarms and the Committee agreed that this had been a helpful addition to the Breakfast; the police officers had been provided with their breakfast free of charge.
10 new members had joined the Association at the Breakfast.
094 Review of Alpacas & Cakes outing 07/07/2016
8 members had visited Toft Alpacas and found the tour very interesting; they had been lucky enough to see some new born alpacas. The tea and cakes which had been provided were delicious.
Given the level of interest, there was some discussion regarding whether or not it was worthwhile continuing to organise offsite trips. It was noted that take-up might have been low because the trip had been on a Friday (tours were not available at the weekend). It was agreed that a trip to the local vineyard would be organised for 2017 and the situation reviewed after that. Action: All
095 Membership Update
Total membership was now 97 Full Members and 1 Social Member, representing 54 boats. Of the 78 original members in 2015 22 did not renew.
094 Finance Update
Mo reported that there was £396 in the Association’s account.
095 Facebook Group
There was some discussion regarding the Facebook Group which Sue Boswell had set up. Is it a closed group or a secret group? There was some confusion about whether the long term plan was for it to be for the Committee only or whether it was for all VMMA members. The thought was that there should be a group for the VMMA members, but if we are using the current page to collate information on discounts etc. we wouldn’t want the members seeing that as they might think there were discounts from businesses we were only thinking about approaching.
The Committee were also unsure on access and security. Does joining the group mean that group members get to see each other’s posts on their own accounts or just what is posted on the group page? Would joining the VMMA Facebook group mean that other VMMA Group Members be able to see the same posts etc as personal Facebook friends?
It was agreed that we would discuss this again at the next Committee Meeting when Sue should be available. Action: All
096 Website
Gillian reported that one member had asked if there was a list of all VMMA members. There was some discussion regarding whether or not we should provide such a list. The general consensus was No. It was felt that the ability to post information on the website in the private Members’ area was sufficient and, if there was a Facebook group for Members, this would provide another communication route.
It was noted that there were several events on in the local area and some people thought that it would be a good idea if these were detailed in the Events area of the website. Gillian said that she would be happy to put details up but didn’t have the time to search out events local to the Marina. Peter Barnes said that he lived in Napton and could forward details of any local events he came across. Action: PeB
097 Future Social Events
Marina sponsored barbecue – 09/07/2016 Several members of the Association had agreed to help out. The Marina have indicated that they will split the proceeds between the Association and charity.
Moorers Breakfast – 18/09/2016 It was agreed to try to hold this in Sunrise if possible. It was also agreed that we should put signs up around the Marina on the day indicating where the Breakfast was taking place. It was suggested that if we have vegetarian options, these need to be cooked first and kept wrapped to separate them from the meat.
After some discussion, it was agreed that the Association should buy a Cadac barbecue (with the silicone accessories and a gas bottle) rather than keep borrowing Ken & Michelle’s. Chris Brown said that she could get one at a discount due to membership of a society. Action: CB
Soup & Sparklers – 05/11/2016 It was agreed that this would follow the same format as last year, except that we would provide bread. Chris and Jean offered to make the soups and mulled wine and Gillian said she would get the sparklers. Action: CB/JS/GAC
098 Matters carried forward to next meeting
Min 087 – Mooring terms and conditions
Min 089 – Discounts for VMMA Members
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.