Drinking Water Health & Safety


From the VMMA Secretary – March 2016

A Member raised a question regarding low usage water Health & Safety – he believed that it was an HSE requirement that where water was supplied which was not used on a daily basis, it was a requirement that the supply pipes be flushed through on a weekly basis.  The question was are the taps on each of the pontoons turned on at least once a week by the harbourmasters to flush water through?

From the Marina

The Marina has a specialist Health & Safety consultant and on his most recent visit the subject of water supply and Legionnaires’ Disease was discussed. The guidance is that during the summer months (May to September) all taps should be run fortnightly, which is what the Marina is doing.

However, the consultant did mention that leaving water in boat water tanks whilst the boats were unoccupied might have the potential to cause a problem due to the boats themselves heating and cooling with the weather; Legionella bacteria is commonly found in water. The bacteria multiply where temperatures are between 20-45°C and nutrients are available. The bacteria are dormant below 20°C and do not survive above 60°C.

From the VMMA Secretary

Having searched the internet, I haven’t been able to find any firm guidance regarding how to minimise the risk of legionella bacteria multiplying on board a boat, except a recommendation not to leave your hosepipe attached to the water supply but googling Legionnaires’ Disease brings up many sites and recommendations about water management for land based properties.