State of Marina approach roads


February 2016

Concerns were raised with Lee Cooper-Blair regarding the state of the approach road to the Marina, particularly as some Members’ cars were now grounding on the camber.

Lee advised that discussions have recently been held with the neighbours and businesses down Calcutt Lane in connection with the road.

Apparently, the challenge is that this road is not adopted by the Council for the majority of its length and is therefore the responsibility of all residents to maintain, the majority of the recent damage looks to have been caused by the Marina’s immediate neighbour having regular large tonnage vehicles in and out for some work on his property. The work is not yet finished and Lee thinks that it would probably be wise to only look to repair the road on completion as opposed to have to do more work at a later date.

The Committee are still pursuing this with the Marina – if you have experienced any difficulties getting to and from the Marina due to the state of Calcutt Lane, please let us know.

April 2016

We have been advised by the Marina that the work at the stables which involves heavy lorries is not yet finished and the repairs to the road will not be done until that work is finished. Once the work is finished, the road will be repaired but this will involve the road being shut for a period (length of time as yet unknown) so there will be no road access to the marina (and other properties along the road). There will be discussions between all the properties affected so that the road closure is done at a time when it is likely to have least impact. The members present at the VMMA AGM was felt that leaving the road closure until the end of the boating season was probably the best option for the majority of moorers.

We have been told that some of the property owners are now beginning to take a note of car registration numbers where they consider the car to be travelling too fast for the road as they are concerned that some people are driving too fast both for the road conditions and for the potential traffic coming the other way, in particular the horses.

There is a 50mph speed limit marked at the top of the road but, apparently, it only applies to the first part of the road which is council adopted. The rest of the road used to be adopted, but the Council unadopted it. The road isn’t a private road – so the property owners do not own it, the Council still do but are choosing not to maintain it. However, a number of the property owners will be funding the cost of the repairs. The property owners are considering putting up signs on the unadopted part to indicate that a speed of around 25mph is appropriate

Generally, the people present at the meeting were not experiencing difficulties with their cars grounding. (I’ve been up to the marina a couple of times in my convertible which is fairly low slung and haven’t had a problem.)

VMMA Secretary to Marina – March 2017

Several members commented that the external roads did not appear to have been fully repaired and ask that VMMA obtain an update on the situation regarding the repairs to the road and also whether or not the road was going to be re-adopted by Rugby Council. Please will you let me know what is happening.

From the Marina

To the best of our knowledge the Council have agreed to undertake repairs to Calcutt Lane. They acknowledge the need for repair work to be carried out and said this would be done over time, without the need to close the road. We are aware that Council workers have visited on a number of occasions to repair the worse affected areas.