Charging points for electric vehicles


From the VMMA Secretary – March 2017

As you are aware, a member tabled a motion at the AGM seeking opinions from fellow Members regarding the desirability of having the ability to charge electric cars at the Marina and for VMMA to pass the general concensus to Marina Management.

There was some lively discussion at the end of which the general consensus seemed to be that the Members felt that having charging points in each basin would be advantageous in the future as electric cars became more common; it was thought that at the moment only one moorer had an electric car.  It was also felt that it would be a good ‘selling’ point to potential moorers.

As an aside, it was mentioned that having charging points would enable Castle Marinas to use electric vehicles around the Marina in future with potential for some cost savings (and possibly the ability to get grants towards the installation costs).

One point that the majority of Members present were clear on was that if electric points were provided, the Members using the service should not be subsidised by other Moorers but that the Marina should not make a profit on the service either.

I believe that the Member who raised the topic (who is considering buying an electric car) has already been in touch with you regarding possible ways in which this could be progressed and offered to help with research.

From the Marina

We are liaising directly with the moorer who has raised the issue.

From the Marina – April 2018

The charging point is being installed this month.