From the VMMA Secretary to the Marina Manager (Lee Cooper-Blair) – March 2015
I don’t know how you deal with consent to use contact details at the moment. However you do it, would it be possible to amend it in the future to say that contact details will be passed to the Moorers Association? Also, is it possible for us to have a list of existing moorers’ contact details? If you think that it can’t be done without at least implied consent, perhaps you could include something in the next email to everyone saying something along the lines of:
On 14 March 2015, the Ventnor Marina Moorers Association was formally set up. VMMA is independent of Castle Marinas Ltd and has been formed to represent the interests of moorers at Ventnor Marina and to arrange social events. VMMA has its own website – – and can be contacted either by post left at the Marina Office or by e-mail –
As VMMA represents all moorers at the Marina, we feel that it is appropriate for us to pass contact details to them on the understanding that the details will be used solely to keep you informed about things that the Association is doing, that VMMA will offer you the option to opt out of receiving such communications and that the contact details will not be passed to anyone else. If you do not want your contact details passed over, please let me know by …….. .
From the VMMA Secretary – May 2015
Some feedback from Moorers Breakfast and it’s a bit difficult because it involves some duplication by both of us.
There was some concern that there were too many e-mails coming out from the Marina Office and that people were beginning not to read them. There have been 5 e-mails in the last month and you sent one of those out on our behalf; we’d also sent out an e-mail about the Moorers Breakfast but only to people on our e-mail list.
Ideally, we would like to minimise the need for the Marina to have to send out details on our behalf. You and I talked about the possibility of the Marina passing over the e-mail addresses of existing moorers and automatically passing over the contact details of all new moorers.
You indicated that you would do something along the lines I’d suggested in March (see above) but I haven’t spotted anything in the Newsletters since then.
From the Marina (Lee Cooper-Blair)
I think you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t in this case – I have tried to maintain one email a month as a newsletter type but when we have events on or an urgent piece of information eg. no more pump out tokens left – it is the quickest way to communicate. I have more people thankful for the communication than the opposite, we always work on the basis that if you delete the email fine but we did attempt to let you know.
It doesn’t help that Castle Marinas do a newsletter too from a distance for the whole group.
Funny enough I did push this request about giving email addresses with the ‘authorities’; apparently we cannot pass over email addresses to you – each individual must offer up their own email, communication etc. As we don’t get them to sign on their mooring application to allow us to.
All new members get the details of the VMMA in their welcome email I will send you an example, but we do just have to let them contact you direct.
Perhaps we need to work on the timings of our emails? I do wait and collect stuff together, maybe in my news I add a link to your most recent email newsletter?
Some feedback your way too just so you know we have had two moorers let us know that if we intend to go ahead with the moorers association that they will be leaving the marina – they see it as interference and unnecessary! I’ve explained to both couples that it is their choice not to be part of the moorers association and that it will not affect the way that they use the marina.
From the VMMA Secretary – March 2018
We will shortly be undertaking a GDPR data audit and updating the VMMA website. I mentioned to you the possibility of the Castle Marina’s mooring application forms having a generic tick box for new moorers to consent to having their contact details passed to the local Moorers association and you were going to talk to the Castle Marina’s data handling team.
From the Marina
This is not something that Castle data team will change. However, when a new moorer joins the marina we email them a welcome pack which includes contact details and information about the VMMA along with the application form