From the VMMA Secretary – March 2017
Our Members have asked if defibrillators could be installed on each service block. There appear to be grants available. If you are agreeable, Phil Boswell has offered to take the lead on this, finding out the details and preparing the grant application.
From the Marina
West Midlands Ambulance Service installed a defibrillator at Wigrams a couple of years ago, I’m not sure what criteria had to be met but I know it was free of charge, and training was provided for the staff. Napton has one unit to cover the whole village therefore we might not get a Defib at each service block, but it’s worth investigating. I’m very happy for Phil to take the lead. Thank you. We will also make some enquiries and forward any findings to Phil.
From the Marina – July 2017
Castle Marinas have agreed to buy a Defibrillator for Ventnor. I’ve placed the order today. Just the one for the moment to be kept in the facilities building on Sunset. However, we may be able to purchase a second unit next year.
From the VMMA Secretary – March 2018
Members would like to know if there is a possibility of a defibrillator being put in the facilities building in Sunrise – if one was needed in that area the extra time taken to get the one from the Woodland Lounge could be critical. Also, how often is the Sunset defibrillator checked to make sure it is working correctly?
From the Marina
There are no plans to purchase another defibrillator at the moment. This will be reviewed in the next financial year (October onwards). The defibrillator is a low maintenance unit, it runs a self-test; daily, weekly and monthly and an audible alarm is sounded in the event of a fault. We conduct checks in line with the manufacturers recommendations i.e. periodic inspection to ensure it’s not been tampered with, green light flashing and pads in place.